Safe Holiday Shopping

gifts under the Christmas tree

The holidays are here, and for many of us, that means shopping for gifts. Even with the pandemic causing reduced crowds, there will still be hustle and bustle around shopping centers and malls. Here are some ways to be safe while you pick up those holiday gifts.

Watch Where You Park
Parking garages and lots are prime areas for thieves to lay in wait. Make sure you protect yourself by parking in a well-lit area. Make a note of where you park your car, so you won’t have to search for it. Conceal packages in the trunk to keep them out of sight of prying eyes. Always have your keys in your hand and don’t linger in your parked car. Lock your doors and prepare to leave the parking lot quickly.

Be on the Lookout
Retailers tend to add more stock to their shelves during the holiday season, and those heavy shelves can be accidents waiting to happen. Be cautious walking under shelving that looks unstable, avoid crowded aisles and look out for items that are dropped on the floor that can pose tripping hazards. If there are aggressive shoppers around, avoid that area until they leave. Many injuries are caused by shoppers who are willing to push you out of the way to get to the best deals.

Plan Your Shopping Trip
If possible, plan your shopping trips for times that are generally less busy, such as mid-morning or weekdays. Shop with a friend or family member and stay together. This will lessen your chances of becoming a victim of a robbery. If you are alone, ask a shopping guard to accompany you to your car.

The holidays should be festive and full of happiness, and by following these tips, you can stay safe while you celebrate. If you are injured due to negligence of the shopping center, or if you are the victim of a crime while shopping, call the offices of Taylor Anderson Law Firm today. We can evaluate your case and support you in seeking the compensation you deserve.

Posted on behalf of Taylor Anderson Law Firm

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